Game-Play / Other
Tier 1 - Ranges from a warning to a kick.
Tier 2 - Temporary Mutes to Temporary Bans.
Tier 3 - Permanent Mutes to Permanent Bans.
Tier 4 - IP-Blacklist - Mostly 0 tolerance.
When a punishment is dealt, it was considered with staff discretion and the severity of the incident at hand.
If a rule is broken more than once, higher tiers of punishments will be dealt.
Auction House
Refrain from listing items for an unrealistic (absurd) price.
Refrain from listing insanely common items, such as, but not limited to, dirt, cobblestone, sticks, ETC.
Forbidden Locations
Accessing restricted locations is not allowed. This includes attempting to access.
If stated not to go in some where, don't. If asked to leave, leave without question.
Accessing/using the nether roof is not allowed.
Last updated
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